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Change Laboratory: Second Floor

After great 8 – days spent in Struga with cool people from 14 countries in working atmosphere where we learned how to gain and provide ideas that really should make difference in our communities. We learned how to make opportunity for everyone who wants to involve and participate in changemaking. From youth worker point of view I am really amazed with methodology and product effect of work, also I think that new knowledge and skills I can implement in my community where I work with high school students on developing of their ideas and experience. Before this project I was really confused about social entrepreneurship, what is that? How entrepreneurship can be social? But now, after the training course in Struga I know that social entrepreneurship is perfect for solving problems in our communities, it’s all about connecting non-profit with profit initiative and that’s what is perfect here, everyone can be happy. Through the work and presentation of ideas I noticed that we are really similar to each other. Maybe our flags are different and maybe our language is different, but our problems are same and Social Entrepreneurship is the answer. Greetings from Prijepolje, Serbia
Avdo Rovcanin representing Jump organization … “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”