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Make Music Not War

Music evokes many beautiful feelings at each and every one of us. At times, those feelings are joyous and delightful, even nostalgic, while at others, they serve as a real good remedy for when having the blues. Only a month has passed since the end of the project, but our symphony of feelings is still…


UNITY CANVAS: Collective Art for Wellness & Awareness

What does the project in the rural area look like? If you ever wondered, Sara just came back from Dordogne in France. She took part in the training course “UNITY CANVAS: Collective Art for Wellness & Awareness” from 29.04 – 6.05.2024. This training gathered youth workers from Macedonia, Poland, Georgia and Finland. The workshops presented…


Dream come true – ESC in Spain

Living in Spain has been my dream for over 5 years.  As a psychology student I was searching for some project where I can have practice in my field. One day while I was scrolling my Instagram I saw the post of Volunteers Centre Skopje for volunteering in Spain in an association that helps disabled…


Booklet with energizers and team-building games

Whether you're looking to break the ice, strengthen bonds among team members, or simply warm up the room before starting the discussion, the booklet offers a diverse range of activities to suit every occasion and group dynamic. The project "Youth participation for strong and sustainable development of the community" is financed by the European Union…


F.O.R.Z.A. Guide for troubled youth

"Guide for troubled youth” is intended to address a very present and immediate need related to the post-COVID 19 situation regarding the behaviour of young people and reduced mental health. It aims to equip youth workers, who are the prime group of this document, with the skills and knowledge to manage and coordinate outbreaks of…


“Human Diversity!” booklet of good practices

“Human Diversity!” booklet of good practices serves as a guide for embracing and actively advocating for diversity within communities. Valuable insights were gathered from participants of the Erasmus+ training course "Human Diversity!", who during the project discussed the needs of young people, meaningful social actions, strategies for promoting diversity, inspiring others, and actions for promoting…


E-learning platform F.O.R.Z.A.

Explore our innovative e-learning platform, full of valuable knowledge, fascinating tips, and tricks. Unlock a world of learning possibilities through the Erasmus+ KA2 "Fewer Opportunities Re-thinking Z to A F.O.R.Z.A." project. Modules: Module 1 covers the professional use of cameras and smartphone cameras, optimizing and adjusting video and sound to produce high-quality media products, live…


Open your mind and Just think about this!

Sarata Monteoru, a beautiful village in Romania with even more beautiful people. Even though it is known for its healing mineral springs, for me, it was healing in a completely different way. “Just think about this” training course was my first Erasmus+ project and I am so grateful that my first experience was so positive…


SOUP sharing

Would you like to have a SOUP with us? For 2 years we had a pleasure to work with an extraordinary project “SOUP sharing”. We were brainstorming with the partners, inspiring a community change and having an actual soup all together. Now the time came to pass it forward. To guide you through the SOUP…


Keep Dreaming!

The question of the connection between mental health and active participation in the community and social initiatives is a contemporary topic that is the focus of the “Keep Dreaming” project. The project consists of several activities with partners from Macedonia, Spain, Italy and Greece aiming at making the connection between these two topics and providing…


Volunteer for Mother Earth!

Between the 1st and 9th of September, Volunteers Centre Skopje hosted Erasmus+ youth exchange “Volunteer for Mother Earth” in Struga, Macedonia. The main objective of this project was to raise awareness about environmental issues and highlight the positive impact of volunteering. In total, almost 50 participants from different nationalities took part in the project. The…