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Business startups are not impossible

The training course about learning to design social entrepreneurship ventures named “Change Laboratory: Second Floor” gathered more than thirty people from fourteen countries and took place in the beautiful city of Struga. These people were more than curious to know the way how can you match the two different ideas of profit and contribution. I, myself didn’t have the clear idea what social entrepreneurship is and how it works. But on this training course I was shown many successful social entrepreneurship examples that challenged my beliefs and reality, where the combination of resolving social problems and creating a business can result with huge success in your life and more importantly, in others’ lives.

During the eight days spent in Struga, our activities started by finding and digging deeper about the problems in our communities. Then, each of us got combined with the others in teams and struggled for the common ideas and goals to make it really happen. The result was seven innovative potential business projects where contribution is main goal.
Before taking part in this project I believed that to start a business in Macedonia you must have good connections and good amount of money, but here I was proven wrong. Business startups are not impossible and this stimulated me to put my entrepreneurship ideas into action and find a way to make it work. This was my greatest discovery on this training course, which will influence my future activities.

Finally, even though this revolutionary way of running a business can’t generate profit as typical business, it does something more, brings change to others and makes this world better. Written by Emir Slezovikj … “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”