Daycare Centre for street children
Our local, ESC and Civic Service volunteers are involved in everyday activities in the Daycare Centre, where they help children with school tasks, organize workshops, provide fun activities and support the teachers. But the Daycare Centre is more than a place to learn and play – their main goal is to protect the rights of children. So, they also provide food and take care of hygiene. Besides being involved in activities with children, VCS also organizes donations of food, clothes and school supplies for the Centre. Follow our social media to know when we are organizing donations! You can check the infopack of the project here and contact us if you are interested.

POU Zlatan Sremec
We closely cooperate with POU Zlatan Sremec, a very dear neighbor of ours. It is an elementary school for children with special needs If you choose to volunteer there, you will be engaged in on-going school activities, such as helping out in daily tasks at school, creative workshops, raising public awareness and fundraising events. You can check the infopack of the project here and contact us if you are interested!