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Welcome Karolina from Poland!

Cześć! My name is Karolina and I come from Poland. I’m 19 years old. Now I’m taking a gap year after graduating high school with a literature/humanistic degree.

Punk rock, mountain expeditions, folk, cats and playing with time are my thing. For me the most important thing in life is expressing myself in every way, experiencing and taking on challenges. I express myself by playing music and writing poems and short texts. That’s why I’m on this project. This opportunity gave me the first chance in my life to be listened to and to take my passions on a serious level.

I’m very curious about the primitivism of humans, it gives me a lot of inspiration for lifestyle and writing. In big cities we live in unnatural environments and people become strangers on their own planet. I think that in our times humans can find the essence of happiness and the simplicity of life by returning to the roots.

I hope that my adventure in Skopje will give me a lot of new experiences with other people, a chance to explore different nature, local folk and many inspirations to create!

If you want to read my texts, articles about cultures, considerations about everyday life and happiness read VOICES!

Karolina Kubera

Karolina will volunteer 3 months in VCS in the frames of European Solidarity Corps project.

Sending organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego