PBA: Better Cooperation – Better Europe: Looking forward to future

Presentation of Albanian team coming from
non-governmental organization Youth for Social Changes
By end of the PBA: Better Cooperation – Better Europe the participants developed  four ideas for future projects which  participants are planning apply in upcoming deadlines of Youth in Action Programme (1 September and 1 October) for example  training course tackling issue of youth unemployment is plan to be apply by Armenian organization Armenian Progressive Youth and involved partners from Caucuses and Eastern Europe, training course Life Skills Development is plan to be apply by Italian organization Associazione Artistica Culturale a Rocca or youth exchange speaking about youth participation.  To support the realization of the project the participants will also receive in the follow up period support from hosting organization Volunteers Centre Skopje with goal to overcome possible obstacles that can appear when making the project ideas real.
Working on project idea – training course Life Skills Development ….
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’