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Meet Zoé from France!

My name is Zoé, I’m 27 years old, I come from a north-western French region called Brittany and I am passionate about foreign languages, cultures and translation. This love has not stopped burning me since my first long term Erasmus experience in the multi-culti city of Bochum, Germany. It was rapidly followed by a 10 months ESC journey in Matera, Italy’s most beautiful city (check the first 3 mins of the last James Bond film if you want to get convinced) where discovered the magic of being a volunteer for a jazz club and fell in love with the Italian language. Right after that, I also questioned my adaptation competences further and studied for a term in an American university – knowing that Disney movies are forbidden in my family.

After a first internship in a French association that raises awareness about human rights and promotes intercultural dialogue, I worked for two years in my childhood’s boarding school where I learned a lot about teenagers’ psychology.

In Macedonia, it is now time for challenging myself again by getting used to a new alphabet and geographical territory. My previous traveling and moving experiences have shown me the importance of stepping, as much as possible, out of our comfort zone. It will be also valuable for music: coming from a Celtic background, I am very enthusiastic about teaching my beloved flute some rhythms from the Balkans and playing Breton melodies for the mountains around – and not only!

My goal with joining VCS is to learn more about project management and organisation, especially in an intercultural context. Making people understand how close they can become and how profound their cooperation can be once they understand the other’s cultural grid is marvelous to observe. I have no doubts about the fact that this experience will help me to achieve my ultimate dream job: helping others to make their intercultural experiences, whether abroad or in their home countries, as wonderful as mine have been!

Zoé Marilier