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Call for volunteers in Poland!

Volunteers Centre Skopje is looking for a volunteer (18-30 years old) from Macedonia to participate in a long-term ESC project “Volunteering in Poland“.

Place: Мilicz, Poland
Date: Start as soon as possible (9 months)

About the project:
Volunteer should be motivated and dedicated to work. Speak communicative English and be proactive. Open-mindedness, responsibility and sense of humour are also essential. For this specific project, taking into account its educational nature, volunteers should feel comfortable in working with children/teenagers and adults using non-formal methods.

More information: Infopack

Project partner: The Milicz Association of Friends of Children and People with Disabilities

Technical Details:
The project is funded by Erasmus+, so all travel costs (up to 275 euros)  will be reimbursed according to Erasmus+ regulations. Accommodation, insurance, food, and pocket money will be provided.

How to apply?

  1. Fill in the application form in English —> Application form
  2. Attach your CV in English in the application form
  3. If you encounter any difficulties while completing the form, please reach out to us at:

Application deadline: 29.09.2024

The applicants will be informed after the deadline when the selection of the participants is final.