Youth Exchange Say YES to Rural Development STARTING Youth exchange Say YES to Rural Development host by Volunteers Centre Skopje is starting on 3. June in mountain village Brajcino located near by Prespa lake. During the youth exchange the participants coming from Slovenia, Poland, Serbia and Macedonia will take part in discussions, interactive lectures and simulations and through them to get to know more about ecological issues as protection of nature, using alternative sources of energy and moreover to discover possibilities that offers ecotourism. Moreover they will be also directly involved in activities that will connect them with local community and contribute to local development as building touristics paths or cleaning actions… ‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’ … Volunteers Centre Skopje is glad to share that following projects were approved by EACEA training course Bridging Divided Communities, youth exchange Gamestorming and EVS project VOICES. We are looking forward to welcome new volunteer from Latvia and meet participants coming from various countries all around Europe. For more information about the project please follow our website.