Ви споделуваме повик на партнер организација  NEXT Generation од Скопје, повик за учесници на возраст над 18год.од Македонија за младинска обука со наслов”‘NEETs in NEED’’ која ќе се одржи од 8 до 17 Јуни 2018 во Струга.
Детали за проектот:
The project ‘NEETs in NEED’ was created in cooperation of partners coming from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece and Uruguay with main goal to activate inactive young people through non-formal based activities being delivered primary by non-governmental organizations with cooperation of all sectors. The project focus on raising competencies of the organizations to address the needs of NEETs who can be consider to be one of the most vulnerable groups.
In overall, the project is designed in line with following objectives:
– To raise capacities of participating organizations and the participants to effectively address the needs and interests of NEETs in their communities and through implementing various activities involving representatives of other sectors to contribute to their full development;
– To strengthen knowledge of the organizations and the participants on NEETs as diverse group of young people with very different profiles and level of motivation;
– To raise the participants abilities to effectively include NEETs in their activities and motivate them to work on development of their competencies including the ones that they could apply in job seeking process or in the process of establishing own enterprise;
– To support sharing lessons learned across participating countries and developing new tools that could be apply at their work with NEETs;
Доколку сте заинтересирани да бидете дел од оваа младинска обука ве замолуваме да го пополните формуларот за учество кој се наога на следниот линк: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4ttijAZvDSGkfiPVCqpvKWw8coamOX29wvMmySWB8cvRiWg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Најдоцна до Среда 6ти Јуни 2018!
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