
Ви објавуваме повик за ЕДЕН волонтер на возраст помеѓу 18 и 30год. на веќе одобрен ЕВС проект со наслов“Unlock the world” во Крајова, Романија , во времетраење од  8 месеци (01.08.2018- 30.04.2019).

Детали за проектот“Unlock the world”:

Objectives of the project:
The objectives of the project were structures in more categories:
● Concerning the volunteers: the development of a set of skills for 10 EVS volunteers according to the application;
● Youth with ASD: acquiring new social acquisitions through occupational activities;
● For their families: offering personal time and opportunity necessary to frame them work part/full time;
● For our partners: creating a network of exchange of best practice/ support materials experts about Erasmus+ and work
with young people with disabilities;
● For the community: Familiarity with the problems of the disabled, promoting tolerance, acceptance and modalities to help.
● For the authorities: increasing involvement of the authorities, removing communication barriers etween them and beneficiaries and a good cooperation in order to support people in need.

“Unlock the world” club implying non-formal activities for children/youth with ASD, having the purpose for them to obtain/maintain their social abilities, to improve their spatial orientation in order for them to have, as much as possible, a transition to a more “independent” life.
Example of activities: sport activities (indoor/outdoor) to develop their motricity (throwing – catching the ball; adapted gymnastic exercises; childhood games); creative workshops designed to develop their
competences in the day-to-day life; socializing activities and spending the free time in the community (visiting the museums, going in the park, giving the order in a restaurant).
Tasks: getting familiarized with the specific of each ASD person in the center, preparing the activities, coordinating and organizing the tasks of the participants under supervision of the specialists in ANCAAR center, accompanying the ASD persons during the activities in the center.
*All the methods applied will be adapted with the help of the specialists from ANCAAR (the day center where the activities will be developed).

Доколку сте заинтересирани да бидете дел од овој проект, ве замолуваме да ни ја испратите вашата биографија(CV) на англиски јазик на нашата е-маил адреса: vcs_contact@yahoo.com НАЈДОЦНА ДО Четврток 05 ЈУЛИ 2018г.!

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